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As a web developer, you know how popular JavaScript is in the web app development landscape. It powers thousands of web applications, from simple to complex, adding interactivity and enhancing the user experience. While JavaScript helps create high-performance, functional apps,…
2024年2月20日~22日、第3回目となる「Virtual JavaScript Days」が開催されました。JavaScript の幅広いトピックを採り上げた数多くのセッションを実施。その内容は、Senchaの最新製品、ReExt、Rapid Ext JSまで多岐にわたり、JavaScriptの最新のサンプルも含まれます。 このカンファレンスでは多くのトピックをカバーしています。Senchaでセールスエンジニアを務めるMarc Gusmano氏は、注目すべきセッションを主催しました。Marc は Sencha の最新製品「ReExt」について、詳細なプレゼンテーションを実施。その機能とメリットを、参加者に理解してもらうべく詳細に説明しました。 カンファレンスは、Senchaのジェネラルマネージャを務めるStephen Strake氏によるキーノートでスタートしました。キーノートでは、会社の将来のビジョンについての洞察を共有しています。世界中から JavaScript 開発者、エンジニア、愛好家が集まるとてもエキサイティングなイベントとなりました。これは、JavaScript エコシステムの最新情報について学ぶユニークな機会と言えます。 (more…)
Ext JS is one of the most popular JS frameworks for creating interactive websites. However, beginners often face challenges when using it. This guide helps beginners avoid common mistakes, which are important for a smoother experience in JavaScript framework web…
Efficiently adding elements to the beginning of an array in JavaScript is important for optimizing code performance, especially within the context of a JavaScript framework. This blog looks into various techniques, including those offered by popular JS frameworks, and looks…
Highlights of Virtual JS Days 2024 From February 20-22, 2024, we held the third Virtual JavaScript Days. It featured many sessions on a wide array of JavaScript topics. They ranged from Sencha's latest product, ReExt, and Rapid Ext JS. They…
Looking to make your JS frameworks code simpler and easier to read? JavaScript's shorthand syntax can help. This blog explores the basics and advanced uses of shorthand in JavaScript framework. We'll explain shorthand syntax and how it simplifies coding. In…
Did you know that the Ext JS JavaScript framework is becoming increasingly popular among web developers in 2024? Among JS frameworks, Ext JS stands out for beginners since it offers valuable tools for creating a modern and interactive web application.…
Introduction Learning a new framework can have its own set of difficulties. In this post, we will go through the basics of using Chat GPT as a learning tool to help us create our own web applications. We will be…
In a recent presentation at JavaScript Days 2024, I had the pleasure of sharing my experiences and insights into the fascinating process of crafting an efficient Kanban board using the Sencha Ext JS framework. As a developer deeply invested in…
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